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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Vacation time

I know we all need a break from everything once in a while. When we go on vacation we often view this as a time to take a break on our exercise as well. Don't view it as a regimen though, or a chore. It should be a part of you--a part of what you want to do after a while.

I'm not asking you to continue with your stringent routine, but I am asking that you still get something in while you are away.

We just got back from a weekend in Orlando and I was able to maintain my weight while eating all hours of the day and night. I also ate volcano chocolate cake and ice cream (bad idea since I'm lactose intolerant, *ugh*) but it was goooood! I had turkey legs and churros, great asian cuisine and Giordano's deep dish pizza.

I love to eat and I use my vacation time as a time to catch up on the best the area has to offer. What I did maintain, though, were two staples in my exercise and diet life. I did not drink any of my calories. I drank water morning, noon and night and so escaped the trickery of pop, juice, and other calorie infested beverages. I used every last calorie to eat. And it was goooood! I think I said that already.

I also woke up (not early mind you--I was on vacation) and ran around the neighborhood. I never measured the distance but I put in about 20 minutes of running each round. Couple that with the day of walking through the parks and I was able to keep it all together.

What I have been trying to build you all up to is making movement a part of your every day. Since starting this venture with you all, it doesn't even feel right on days I "bum it." So look at moving as an essential, something that happens every day even when those days fall on vacation days. I mean even on vacation you have to breathe, right? Might as well breathe a little harder and a little faster.

Happy spring breaks and remember everything in moderation.

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