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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lunges, the real butt buster

We've talked a lot about running and cardio for our legs and bottom. We've even added in some squats. The next move I'd like for you to start incorporating is the lunge.

Lunges are great, but you have to make sure you're doing them correctly to maximize the results. With lunges (as with any exercise, but especially with lunges) you need to warm-up the muscles.

I hate that I negated emphasizing the warm-up phase before we began. I took it for granted, but warming-up is essential before you continue because the lunge will tax your legs and bottom especially if you haven't been doing them. For a quick warm-up, run in place or jog for about 2-5 minutes. Then stretch your arms and legs thoroughly. I'll give you a more extensive routine next week when we hit the track.

The Correct Way to Lunge
  1. Start the lunge standing tall with your feet together.
  2. Lift your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor (a high knee).
  3. Step out with the right leg and down keeping your right knee bent.
  4. Get close to the ground with your left knee but be very careful not to bang it or touch it to the ground. In this position your back should be straight with your chest lifted. Make sure you are not bending your torso over your knee.
  5. Push off the ground with your left foot using the ball of the foot (area right under the toes) with as much force as you can. Make the movement a quick one.
  6. Pull the left knee into the parallel position. At the point you should be back standing tall.
  7. Repeat the above steps.
Complete a full set of 12-20 reps and 2-3 sets depending on your current exercise level. It is also important to cool down after these as well. Stretch the muscles in your legs when you have finished the workout.

For a more advanced exercise put dumbbells in each hand while lunging. Start with 2-5 pounds for beginners.

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