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Friday, March 19, 2010

Let off some steam

O.k. so how many of us find ourselves angry sometimes? Not mad enough to really let go, but just fed up enough that you wanted, no, needed to let off a little bit of steam?

Know what? A little mean is good enough to power you through a nice brisk walk, a short run or a few sets on the weight bench. Your heartbeat is already racing so before you reach your boiling point, cut the offender some slack and head for the hills or drop and give me 20. Your heart will start to speed up but your mind will begin to calm down. This works much the same as counting to ten real slow but this time it's ten minutes.
As I rounded the corner tonight with my blonde braids loose and blowing behind me, a family of deer fled the scene. I probably looked more like a fierce lion on the attack than a harmless surburban dweller running laps. I found out tonight as I circled my dark block alone that I was only mad enough for four rounds. After that I was content. So this was a four-round anger management session. A bonus was that my cool-down jog shed a few slices of pepperoni pizza I had for dinner.

So, the next time you find yourself in a funk or just needing to take the edge off, don't resort to words or irrational behavior. Use your lungs instead to breathe in and out some night air and your energy to burn a few calories leaking over the edge of your plate.

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