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Friday, February 5, 2010

Bringing in the Groceries, No help please!

O.k. this everyday activity can work the arms and provide you with some cardio depending on which version you choose.

I like to bring in the groceries on my own. Since my focus is on my arms most of the time, I always grab as many bags as I can carry at one time in each hand and do bicep curls all the way from the van to the kitchen.

It may look crazy to the untrained eye, but it is a really good arm workout.

One time in Wal-Mart--my favorite alone outing, I decided to forego the shopping cart because I only needed a few items. Well like any Wal-Mart trip I ended up with way more than I intended. By the time I made it to the Dairy aisle I had my hands full of four individual natural fruit and veggie drinks, a bag of grapes, string cheese, two cans of refried beans and, "oh yeah, some baked chips.

Shifting the items in order to open the refrigerator door with my index finger, I grabbed two gallons of milk hanging them from my index and fingers on either hand.

I know crazy right? I started trucking to the checkout and caught some stares as I passed by a few shoppers. I ran to the counter and dumped my stuff on the belt. The clerk smirked and when she was done bagging them asked, "Will you be needing any help out tonight?"

"Uh, didn't you just see how gracefully I handled them--without bags," I thought, but  "No thanks," is what I offered.

"Well, go ahead He-woman," she offered rolling her eyes and still smirking as I grabbed my bags. Don't know if she meant it as a compliment, (probably didn't) but I certainly took it that way. 

The trip to the car was a breeze compared to my sprint through the aisles. And yep, I solicited even more stares as I curled my bags all the way to the van.

To sneak in some cardio, substitute the fewer trips carrying more bags with more trips carrying fewer bags. Tell your husband and kids to remain seated and complete the task alone. Make sure to jog from the van to the house, from the house back to the van.

I know it may sound crazy, but you get it in whenever you can when you are as busy as I am. And who cares if those people stare. Soon they'll be staring for totally different reasons. Can you say toner arms and legs?

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