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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who I am not

Let me begin this blog with an excerpt from my book "Get Moving" modified a bit.

. . .a little introduction as to who I am and who I am not (a necessary disclaimer). I am not a nutritionist, personal trainer or professional bodybuilder by any stretch of the imagination (although I did take first in two benchpress contests--another story, another day). What I am are many things, some or all of which you can relate with. I am a full-time wife, mom, house manager, chauffeur, chef, clothes washer, dishwasher, fan, coach, mentor and teacher. My side job (or what some call "my profession") is web designer/technical writer. Because you may identify with one or more of these labels, this [blog] is for you.

More importantly, you will find a camaraderie in this blog because you are a mom seeking to regain some semblance of the you pre-baby.

I don't plan to preach to you or give you impossible routines and diets. I plan to share with you exactly what works for me--doing something, anything everyday.

So many times I'm asked, "Are those all four of your children?" After an affirmative, they usually follow with, "You look great. How do you do it?" These compliments have been the inspiration behind it all.

We'll look at easy, everyday things you can do to improve the way you look and feel. I'll help you gain strength even if you've never had any before.

When you're tired of hearing, "you look good for just having a baby," and are ready to just hear, "you look good," then you're ready to Get Moving Mom.

As we journey together, don't forget to tell me how it's going.

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