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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Have you done your weight bearing today?

People, people, people, I had a major revelation just weeks ago and it couldn't have come at a better time. I almost gave up. I almost lay down, closed my eyes and succumb to the myth that after 35 you might as well hang up your running shoes. You are running for nothing. I almost believed the radio ad that's been spouting about how after that age you can spend an hour at the gym and will only maintain your weight. Shoot I only have an hour and can barely get that in. I never was very good at treading water and didn't want to start now.

What am I rattling on about? Well about two months ago, back in April I had procrastinated. I had a girl's beach weekend planned in May and as usual waited until the last minute to start really getting serious. I had put on about 10 pounds over the winter (my personal insulation). Usually this never bothered me cause I knew I could just run it off-right?

Well after about three weeks of just running, the scale had not budged. I had run religiously everyday and the weight just taunted me as it settled in for the ride around my midsection and my bootie areas - yes they had multiplied. Well with less than 3 weeks left until the beach trip I wasn't ready to throw in the beach towel yet, so I began going to the gym after dropping my son at school in the mornings.

I started hitting the weight training hard like I know I need to do. I was so determined I was back lifting like I'd done in college. I actually started having people in the gym ask if I was training for something. "Yeah I'm training not to be fat," I replied.

Now I'm the only case study, but the pounds fell off. I was right where I wanted to be within a two week period of time. So, my deduction is what? Weight training is the bestest most awesomest thing you can do to maintain and lose your weight. Not only that, but it cures the sag if you know what I mean.

Happy lifting!